Saturday, October 25, 2014

Week 8

Well, this week was a disaster.  We had a great start on Monday, and then Tuesday, we had big plans to start the unit on Art in BraveWrite by going to the AGO.  We headed down to my dentist for my scheduled appointment at 9:00, and then were going to go to the AGO.  Around 9:30 a.m., I had a severe attach of vertigo and could barely walk.  David had to come get us.  The vertigo improved over the course of the week, thanks to multiple Epley maneuvers and sleeping upright in the chair in the basement.

So, homeschooling amounted to math and reading, and a bit of writing.  David stayed home this week, since I can't drive, and took Rachel to school, Taekwondo, and dance classes.

5 pages of MEP (Red book 1A - grade 1, pages 62 - 64, plus four pages of charts.)



She read 7 books on her own this week, including:
Magic School Bus (rain)Magic School Bus (different subject...mind blank)12 my little pony phonics books (which we counted as 2 books for the chart)  Hey, when she says she "loves" these books, I would rather her read a lot of easier books and enjoy them then learn to hate reading by attempting something harder.

We read:
        Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban (a chapter a day)

Writing Practice
We were planning on a tea party on Thursday and were going to write a poem again.  I started her on Monday thinking about things like setting, who, when, etc.  She completed this sheet:

Instead of waiting to work on it again the next day, she immediately dictated this:

Bun-bun is a bunny.
She sits down at the pond.
All day long
eating bread
But when her mother comes along
she gets up to go play.

When mother goes away
she doesn't stand to play.
She sits down again
and finishes her bread.

And again when mother goes away
she is happy as can be.
And there are blossoms on the tree
and apples are awakening
from winter on the blossoms.

Physical Ed
Taekwondo classes (3) and dance classes (2).

She spent afternoons at Colwell playing.

Reflections on the week:
Vertigo sucks.

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