Thursday, March 20, 2014

So much for blogging.

Since September I've told myself I've been too wrapped up in work, school, and life to write about Rachel's education.

Now, I can admit, I stopped writing because I feel like I sold out.

I put her in school. There. I said it.

Granted, it is a private school that is ultra-flexible and has been sensitive to Rachel's intellectual and social development.  A month after starting JK, she was moved up to the "Senior" table for writing and math activities.  Then, in December, she was evaluated for a morning class that was even more accelerated.  The teacher was thrilled to have her and Rachel started going to the morning class three days a week.  There are only ten kids in the class.

To say she has thrived is an understatement.  She loves her morning class.  Loves her friends. Loves her teacher.

She does have a pretty cool teacher.  I was doubtful when the teacher backed Rachel up a reading level because "Rachel has a phenomenal site word vocabulary, but she needs to try sounding out words she doesn't know."  Now, 2.5 months late, Rachel is sounding out words without drama.  She has progressed through an entire level of books and is reading on a beginning to middle first-grade level.  MORE importantly, she likes to read.

I've been working on her math skills because that seems to be the weakest area in her school experience.  We've been working through the Minquon Orange book and will finish it in early May.  I assumed I would just move her into the Red Book then, but am not sure.  I know a lot of folks who are using MEP and liking it.  I just....well....I tried MEP and think either I was doing something wrong, or it just wasn't for Rachel.  I'd love to chat with someone about how they use it.

So, I end up doing a mish-mash of home schooling stuff combined with sending her to school part-time.

Plus, since I refused to put her in school full-time, she was still able to learn to ice skate and ski this winter while continuing gymnastics and dance.

However...I'm looking at next year and the year after and am just not sure what we are going to do.

She is "supposed" to spend another year in kindergarten. Ok....but, I'm dubious about how well she'll do if she gets bored.  Basically, all of her friends are SK kids.  Plus, if I keep her in SK, she'll start the year reading at almost a second grade level and doing second grade math.  However, she will turn five next week. And, she is still very much a five year old socially.  AND, she is tiny.  She is about 8 inches shorter than most of the kids in the class.  It shouldn't make a difference, but I was always the littlest in my classes, and, well, it does matter.

So, I contacted the school we are considering for her for first-grade.  We are going to go to their open-house in a couple of weeks to check them out.  I was candid with the registrar about the situation and that I would welcome their opinion on what we should do.

If you're reading this....I'd love to hear your opinion too.