Monday, June 16, 2014

Who Owns the Sun?

Today we started Who Owns the Sun?

We've taken a lot of the FIAR books out of order and woven them into our other plans.

We read it over breakfast this morning.  Rachel was stunned that someone thought they owned another person.  You could actually see the confusion on her face.  It simply didn't compute.

Supplemental books this week include:

Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson
Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys by Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard
Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine
Unspoken by Henry Cole
Barefoot by Pamela Edwards

Additional Library Books include:

Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman
Rikki-Tikii-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling and adapted and illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
Loon by Susan Griek
Little Red Riding Hood by Jerry Pinkney

Chosen by Rachel to read by herself:

Wiggle and Move
Barbie: I can be a ballerina
Barbie: I can be a teacher


We made sun-catchers out of melted pony beads. I did them on the grill outside.  The melted plastic fumes are probably toxic, so I didn't want it in the house.



We did several pages of the MEP 1a book. Most of it was review, but she did learn how to combine the greater-than and less-than signs with an equal sign.


We started a sundial, but it became cloudy after a few hours. We're going to try it again when this front moves out.

And, we got her signed up and started in the summer reading program at the library.

This week's books are:

How to Teach a Slug to Read by Susan Pearson
Iggy Peck, Architect by Andrea Beaty
The Busy Beaver