Tuesday, July 30, 2013

At the cottage

We're spending a lot of time at the cottage.  So, we brought "Ginger Kindergarten" with us.  We spend maybe 15 minutes a day on activities involving worksheets and writing.  Then, all else is play.

She can tally things now and bar graph them.  She is really good with patterns and amazing with math.  

She argued that the mouse image could either be a mouse or a rat.  The latter, she pointed out, does start with R.

She knows all the planets...thanks to David.

I introduced her to Venn diagrams this morning. Right. Got it. Moving on.
Making a swing for her baby.

Catching fish with her net.

Combining blogs

I've decided to combine the old Rachel-blog with this one.  I stopped doing the other one when my mom died, and I just can't bear to continue it since I started it so Mom could see her amazing grand-daughter.